Snowdrops and snowflakes

Snowdrops and Snowflakes Guna Rukšāne, Jaunrūjas Farm in Raiskums parish  The first spring breezes were already in the air at the beginning of February, but… nothing will happen until the sun starts to shine. While they usually bloom in March, white flower buds appeared in a cluster of snowflakes along the south wall in our garden […]

Pruning shrubs, trees and perennials in the autumn

Pruning shrubs, trees and perennials in the Autumn Guna Rukšāne, Jaunrūjas Farm in Raiskums parish  I will not start by listing all the work that needs to be done, but rather by praising the shrubby cinquefoil and hydrangeas – are there any other plants that flower from the middle of the summer until the frost? The […]

Blue liverwort, white and yellow wood anemones

Blue liverwort, white and yellow wood anemones Guna Rukšāne, Jaunrūjas Farm in Raiskums parish In colloquial Latvian, all the flowers mentioned in the title are simply called vizbulītes. The relevant colour is then just added on to the name – this way you know which vizbulītes a child wants to go pick. The only real spanking […]

Guna Rukšāne’s story about Water lilies

Guna Rukšāne’s story about Water lilies Guna Rukšāne, Jaunrūjas Farm in Raiskums parish  Have you ever seen the perfect garden in your dreams? I haven’t been so lucky, but predominant in descriptions of the Garden of Eden are the sounds of a burbling stream and birdsong, and friendly lions that must probably be feeding on […]

Selecting an iris variety for your garden

Selecting an iris variety for your garden Laimonis Zaķis ( Bearded irises are a very popular culture in Latvia, and worldwide. According to my estimatse there could be about 1,000 varieties of bearded irises in active cultivation in Latvia, and ten times more in the world. How can an amateur gardener, landscape gardener or a […]

How did Rūjiena get its sakuras?

How did Rūjiena get its sakuras? Aivars Blūms and Jana Baltiņa Sakuras  Terneja Park in the centre of Rūjiena prides itself on the diversity of its trees and especially of its exotic sakura tree garden. There are 4 types of sakuras in the park, and they have a special story. How did Rūjiena get its […]

Phlox Day

“Jaunrūjas” Garden invites to the Phlox Day. Call in advance to arrange a visit – +371 29488877! Information about “Jaunrūjas” Garden

Hosts and Water lilies Day

“Jaunrūjas” Garden invites to the Hosts and Water lilies Day. Call in advance to arrange a visit – +371 29488877! Information about “Jaunrūjas” Garden

Peony Garden Festival

“Jaunrūjas” Garden invites to the Peony Garden Festival. There will be garden tours, gardener’s consultations, a plant market, a garden café and a surprise for guests. Call in advance to arrange a visit – +371 29488877! Information about “Jaunrūjas” Garden

Peony madness at Energy Farm

Peony madness at Energy Farm Tiiu Siim, Energy Farm When I brought the first peonies to the Energy Farm from my mother’s garden in Vastseliina 18 years ago, – to keep a memory from my childhood – no one would have guessed that this would trigger my “peony madness” here. The first three peonies were early […]